
andAndrea offers Express delivery to more than 220 countries and territories.

Your order will be dispatched within one business day

Your order will be dispatched within one business day After you place your order, you’ll receive an order confirmation email. You’ll receive a second email with tracking details once your order has shipped from our distribution centre in Indonesia. If you’ve joined as a PopUp Party aA-Lister, your order will be sent via DHL Express and should arrive within two to five days.

Tracking your order

24 hours after you’ve received your ‘order dispatched confirmation email’, you’ll be able to track your order using the link provided.

Duties & taxes

Depending on your location and the size of your order, your government may require you to pay GST/VAT, import duty and/or administrative fees on your andAndrea purchases. You are responsible for paying your government’s charges. If you’re not familiar with importing fashion items into your country, contact your local customs office to determine if duties and taxes are applicable and whether you can take advantage of any tax-free threshold (de minimis).

andAndrea is not responsible for any costs associated with returns caused by customers refusing to pay their government’s duty or taxes. Two-way shipping costs will be deducted from any refunds caused in this way. If you decide to refuse your order, when it arrives at our returns centre, we’ll deduct the two-way shipping costs plus a small administrative fee when processing your refund (for items received within our standard returns timeline).

We ship to the following countries and territories


Afghanistan (AF)

Albania (AL)

Algeria (DZ)

American Samoa (AS)

Andorra (AD)

Angola (AO)

Anguilla (AI)

Antigua (AG)

Argentina (AR)

Armenia (AM)

Aruba (AW)

Australia (AU)

Austria (AT)

Azerbaijan (AZ)


Bahamas (BS)

Bahrain (BH)

Bangladesh (BD)

Barbados (BB)

Belarus (BY)

Belgium (BE)

Belize (BZ)

Benin (BJ)

Bermuda (BM)

Bhutan (BT)

Bolivia (BO)

Bonaire (XB)

Bosnia & Herzegovina(BA)

Botswana (BW)

Brunei (BN)

Bulgaria (BG)

Burkina Faso (BF)

Burundi (BI)


Cambodia (KH)

Cameroon (CM)

Canada (CA)

Canary Islands, The (IC)

Cape Verde (CV)

Cayman Islands (KY)

Chad (TD)

Chile (CL)

China (CN)

Colombia (CO)

Comoros (KM)

Cook Islands (CK)

Costa Rica (CR)

Cote D Ivoire (CI)

Croatia (HR)

Curacao (XC)

Cyprus (CY)

Czech Rep., The (CZ)


Denmark (DK)

Djibouti (DJ)

Dominica (DM)

Dominican Rep. (DO)


Ecuador (EC)

Egypt (EG)

El Salvador (SV)

Eritrea (ER)

Estonia (EE)

Ethiopia (ET)


Falkland Islands (FK)

Faroe Islands (FO)

Fiji (FJ)

Finland (FI)

France (FR)

French Guyana (GF)


Gabon (GA)

Gambia (GM)

Georgia (GE)

Germany (DE)

Ghana (GH)

Gibraltar (GI)

Greece (GR)

Greenland (GL)

Grenada (GD)

Guadeloupe (GP)

Guam (GU)

Guatemala (GT)

Guernsey (GG)

Guinea Rep. (GN)

Guinea-Bissau (GW)

Guinea-Equatorial (GQ)

Guyana (British) (GY)


Haiti (HT)

Honduras (HN)

Hong Kong SAR China (HK)

Hungary (HU)


Iceland (IS)

India (IN)

Ireland, Rep. Of (IE)

Israel (IL)

Italy (IT)


Jamaica (JM)

Japan (JP)

Jersey (JE)

Jordan (JO)


Kazakhstan (KZ)

Kenya (KE)

Kiribati (KI)

Korea, Rep. Of (KR)

Kosovo (KV)

Kyrgyzstan (KG)


Laos (LA)

Latvia (LV)

Lebanon (LB)

Lesotho (LS)

Liberia (LR)

Liechtenstein (LI)

Lithuania (LT)

Luxembourg (LU)


Macau SAR China (MO)

Madagascar (MG)

Malawi (MW)

Malaysia (MY)

Maldives (MV)

Malta (MT)

Mariana Islands (MP)

Marshall Islands (MH)

Martinique (MQ)

Mauritania (MR)

Mauritius (MU)

Mayotte (YT)

Mexico (MX)

Micronesia (FM)

Moldova, Rep. Of (MD)

Monaco (MC)

Mongolia (MN)

Montenegro, Rep Of (ME)

Montserrat (MS)

Morocco (MA)

Mozambique (MZ)

Myanmar (MM)


Namibia (NA)

Nauru, Rep. Of (NR)

Nepal (NP)

Netherlands, The (NL)

Nevis (XN)

New Caledonia (NC)

New Zealand (NZ)

Nicaragua (NI)

Niger (NE)

Nigeria (NG)

Niue (NU)

North Macedonia (MK)

Norway (NO)


Oman (OM)


Pakistan (PK)

Palau (PW)

Panama (PA)

Papua New Guinea (PG)

Paraguay (PY)

Peru (PE)
Philippines, The (PH)

Poland (PL)

Portugal (PT)

Puerto Rico (PR)


Qatar (QA)


Reunion, Island Of (RE)

Romania (RO)

Rwanda (RW)


Saint Helena (SH)

Samoa (WS)

San Marino (SM)

Sao Tome & Principe (ST)

Saudi Arabia (SA)

Senegal (SN)

Serbia, Rep. Of (RS)

Seychelles (SC)

Sierra Leone (SL)

Singapore (SG)

Slovakia (SK)

Slovenia (SI)

Solomon Islands (SB)

South Africa (ZA)

Spain (ES)

Sri Lanka (LK)

St. Barthelemy (XY)

St. Eustatius (XE)

St. Kitts (KN)

St. Lucia (LC)

St. Maarten (XM)

St. Vincent (VC)

Suriname (SR)

Swaziland (SZ)

Sweden (SE)

Switzerland (CH)


Tahiti (PF)

Taiwan (TW)

Tajikistan (TJ)

Tanzania (TZ)

Thailand (TH)

Timor-Leste (TL)

Togo (TG)

Tonga (TO)

Trinidad And Tobago (TT)

Tunisia (TN)

Turkey (TR)

Turkmenistan (TM)

Turks & Caicos (TC)

Tuvalu (TV)



Uganda (UG)

Ukraine (UA)

United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom (GB)

Uruguay (UY)

Uzbekistan (UZ)


Vanuatu (VU)

Vatican City (VA)

Vietnam (VN)

Virgin Islands-British (VG)

Virgin Islands-US (VI)


Zambia (ZM)

Zimbabwe (ZW)


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